We Can Guess How Dirty Your Mind REALLY Is!
We Can Guess How Dirty Your Mind REALLY Is!
Life is so much more interesting when you have a dirty mind.
Life is so much more interesting when you have a dirty mind.

What is the first thing you see in this picture?
What about this one?
90% dirty mind 10% innocent
90% dirty mind 10% innocent
If there is any dirty way to see a picture you will see it that way! Even if the image is completely innocent...the first thing that pops into your mind is dirty. This means that you are an extremely open person and there are not many topics that make you uncomfortable!
90% innocent mind 10% dirty
90% innocent mind 10% dirty
Your mind is completely innocent! Not once did you see a dirty image in the pictures. You tend to be a bit shy when it comes to raunchy conversations and you blush at the mention of the word sex. You believe that dirty talk should be kept for the bedroom.
50% dirty mind 50% innocent mind
50% dirty mind 50% innocent mind
You are smack bang in the middle between innocent and dirty. Some of the images your mind saw the dirty images but others you just saw the image for what it was! You enjoy a good conversation about sex but you feel that there are some topics that should be kept to one's self.