What One Word Describes Your Relationship Based On The Pictures You Choose?

We know your relationship.

Lena Somers
Created by Lena Somers
On Oct 18, 2016



You are in a supportive and trusting relationship. You and your partner are wholeheartedly committed to each other. In fact, you two are better together. You believe in your partner, even when they don't believe in themselves. You are constantly challenging and pushing each other to be the best versions of yourselves. You are driven by compassion, and your communication is completely honest and open. A relationship like yours is based on equality.



Love, respect, and kindness are the fundamental aspects of your relationship. It is endearing and fulfilling. Since the day you met your significant other, you've never stopped loving each other. Every day feels like you're falling in love. You are constantly amazed with and in awe of your partner. There is such a beautiful and unique level of adoration between the two of you. It's a wonderful love story that is sure to last forever!



Your relationship is tentative. Perhaps it is new, and you're still trying to figure everything out. Or perhaps things are complicated and the future of your relationship is a bit uncertain. If you're hesitant about moving forward with your relationship, take a moment to reflect on what you want. Is this the person you want standing by your side? Do they satisfy you? Do they make you happy? Are you ready to commit? Answer these questions and your relationship will either go from tentative to committed or tentative to temporary. Regardless of what happens, be confident in your decision and don't look back.



You are likely in a toxic relationship. You probably feel stuck and you don't know how to get out. There is an imbalance of power between the two of you. Someone is clearly the weaker and more submissive one. You are in a controlling and manipulative relationship. You often feel guilty when you spend time with your friends, you don't fully trust your partner, and you are always doubting yourself. Stop feeling obligated to your partner and start standing up for yourself. Once you get out of this relationship, you'll feel as if a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders.



One word to describe your relationship is passionate. Your relationship is intense, heated, and sensual. The chemistry between you two is insane. You can't keep your hands off each other, the desire is too strong. Every time you kiss, it's like a million fireworks go off through your body. You are so in love and the romance is absolutely magical.



Your relationship is triumphant. This means that you just overcame a huge hurdle in your relationship. You might have recently had a big fight, but now everything has been settled and you two are better than ever! You can get through anything together. Or perhaps you just took your relationship to the next level. Did you move in with each other? Pop the question? Have a baby? Celebrate your relationship and revel in the good times. The best is yet to come. . .

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