What spiritual type are you?

Knowing your spiritual type can be very helpful to your spiritual life. There are four in total, which one are you?

Leo Wei
Created by Leo Wei(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 11, 2017

I believe that God exists:

Your idea of a good conference is:

Your ideal day with a friend is:

You are doing a project for school/work, what comes most naturally to you?

You are looking for a new car, which of the followings will be the most important to you?

How do you cop with stress?

Your favorite restaurant is:



You are a mystic, known for your imaginative, intuitive spirituality. You have a special thing with peace, harmony and inner silence. You like to take long walks in nature and sit down with a trusted friend. You may enjoy meditation, wordless prayers, art and many things that help you connect with God.
Mystics enjoys God through rich images and symbols. You focus more on your inner-self than your exterior appearance. Hearing from God is more important than speaking to God. Beware you are not a lazy person, but you just need to give yourself some time to be alone.
On the other hand, don't get to carried away though! Being a human needs communication and interaction.



You are a lover! You value freedom, independence and of course you can be a little rebellious at times. You are the expert at having fun and appreciating beauty. More than any type, you know how to truly experience joy. You don't waste your time worrying about the future or judging the past but putting your effort into living in the moment.
To lovers, God is a parental figure. You abhor praying to God in a boring fashion, but you like to tell God what's on your heart at the moment. Music moves you deeply, so does heartful preaching and worship.
A word of caution! A lover's impulsiveness can be dangerous. You can be too focused on satisfying immediate desires that you lose sight of the long term. And from time to time, you can also be a little judgemental on other spiritual types, and that does not endear you to us. You also need to learn to tolerate imperfection, sometimes shedding a few tears is not all that bad.



You are a knight! You come close to God by serving others. You value knowledge, and you are good at leading others to the right way. Although you can be an assertive leader, but sometimes you are ruthless and aggressive until you reach your goal. To us, you are a hero, and we admire your concentration and sacrifices.
You are the rarest spiritual type out there. And you can be a little hard to be around sometimes, mainly because we feel guilty of not accomplishing such elaborate, world-changing tasks as you do.
Nevertheless, be careful not to become so devoted to your work that you completely ignore your inner life. Attend to your inner life as much as the outer life, a family is always more important.



You are a thinker. You value logic, responsibility, and order. Structure and organization are important to you. I am one hundred percent sure that one virtue you possesses is punctuality. You love words, a good lecture, serious discussion, and theological reflection. Prayer for you is usually verbal. You are interested in gathering people, such as study groups. Sages will usually plan their day so full that they don't have the time for silence or solitude. We need you for your clear thinking skills. People look while you observe. You can notice the details that can be easily overlooked.
But sometimes you may seem cold, too intellectual that you buried all your emotions, a little too "dry" so to speak. You may need to ignore the rules once a while and give yourself some freedom.

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