The Human Metamorphosis Transformation

Metamorphosis /(n.)/ a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

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Your answers will help us identify where you currently are in your metamorphosis transformation. This natural cycle is initiated at birth by every living being that is conscious. This process is happening regardless if you're aware of it or not. The only part of it you are in control of is how long you remain in each phase. This quiz was created with the intention of bringing awareness, which is the first step to bringing change into your life. Once you are aware, you will then have the power to move from your current phase into the next if you choose.

Einstein once said, "we cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it".

Make sure to take time to think through each question and answer honestly. The truth will set you free.

Also, please note that once you get your results you must remember that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Life is not a race!

It is no coincidence you are here now. The change will begin once you have awareness.


Leyanne Oliveira
Created by Leyanne Oliveira(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 31, 2018
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How would you rate your life overall?

What does your past mean to you?

How would you best describe emotions & its purpose in our life?

What is your purpose in life?

What is your first thoughts once things begin moving in the opposite direction from where you would like for it to go?

I feel confident in most tasks or assignments that I perform. I know I can win at anything I put my mind and soul into.

I am in constant search for happiness which causes me a lot of anxiety.

What best describes your relationship with others?

Are you currently withholding forgiveness from family members or friends?

I am confident that the friends I have chosen to keep in my life are aligned with my life mission and purpose.

The kind of foods and drinks I put into my body is extremely important. I maintain a diet of mainly live foods and liquids.

I am aware that I am connected to every living thing on this planet. Every person, animal, tree, plant, wind, breath. I can feel it

I am open to pain as long as it will bring growth.

I have no attached to this life. I am aware that this is a small period of time that I am privilege to be able to experience.*

I am curious of every slight change in my life. I am optimist that everything is working in my favor.

I have consumed with fear and anxiety of the future. I know I am meant to be doing something bigger than this but I am unsure what.

The Caterpillar Phase

The Caterpillar Phase

You are currently in the transformation phase of the Caterpillar. You're at a place where change is not only something you crave but also intuitively know is necessary. A person at this stage may not yet recognize the existence of their spirit limiting their understanding of their full potential. Without full awareness of our potential, we tend to take little to no action toward change.

You currently have a primary perception that life is happening ‘to you' rather than 'for you'.

In order to move from one stage to the next, we must be willing to let go of something in order to gain a new aspect of who we really are. In order to move from the caterpillar stage of our development into the chrysalis phase, what we must be willing to let go of blame. After reacting, resisting and blaming others (or life itself) for our circumstance, eventually we must come to a place where we are ready to claim more of a sense of personal responsibility.

The Chrysalis Phase

The Chrysalis Phase

You are currently in the transformation stage of the Chrysalis formation. A person at this stage has become intensely curious about life. You are currently investigating and wondering more about our existence. Here you have began the adjustment to new perspectives and have began to live more comfortably with uncertainty. This is the stage of the journey where we get to discover that we are far more capable than we have realized. We are not victims of circumstance but rather creators of it.

The Chrysalis stage of development is often a deconstructing phase, where our actions must be grounded, honest, and self-driven. Breakthroughs in this arena often require commitment and leave us with a sense of personal accomplishment.

In order to move from chrysalis formation stage to awakening the butterfly you must be willing to do the work. At this stage you have let go of everything that no longer servers you.This could mean letting go of old belief systems, patterns, friends, etc.

The Butterfly Phase

The Butterfly Phase

You are currently in the transformation phase of the Butterfly. At this stage, you have realized that you're a powerful limitless being of light. The graduation to the butterfly is the true awakening from human to being. 

You have now realized your power lies in your truths and you truly being yourself. You are fully focused on your journey rather than anyone else. You begin to have a deep knowing that everyone is in the perfect place for them. You have an understanding that we are all at different stages in our lives, and we are not meant to be wasting time in comparing mood. You are living at great joy, peace and true empowerment.

The butterfly phase does have different levels within this phase. Although, you are in alignment, there are still times of hardship and sadness. However, you are now equipped with a deep understanding of life, emotions, growth and divine guidance. This phase is focused on passing the tests life puts you through from the wisdom you have acquired through th

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