Which MI9 character are you?
Which MI9 character are you?
Take this quiz to find out which of the characters in the MI9 book you represent! Each character corresponds with one of the nine multiple intelligences, including logical, visual spatial, musical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic, existential, and verbal linguistic. Remember, just because you got a certain intelligence doesn't mean you don't have any of the others. As the book's motto says, there is Unity Among Differences!
Take this quiz to find out which of the characters in the MI9 book you represent! Each character corresponds with one of the nine multiple intelligences, including logical, visual spatial, musical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic, existential, and verbal linguistic. Remember, just because you got a certain intelligence doesn't mean you don't have any of the others. As the book's motto says, there is Unity Among Differences!

Which trait do you think is the most important to success?
Which hobby do you prefer?
What do you think about when you're alone?
Which social cause interest you the more?
The world will be better when
What do you spend the most time looking at?
Your one supernatural trait would be
You love...
You are known for your
Of the nine multiple intelligences, Athena represents the logical-mathematical. Incredibly smart and accomplished, Athena has an impressive career in STEM and is driven by her heart as well as her mind. Athena is extremely determined and dedicates her life to finding cures for destructive diseases.
Bu Bear
Bu Bear
Bu Bear represents the existential multiple-intelligence. Bu Bear is thoughtful, influencing, profound, peaceful, and intuitive. Always inquisitive and wondering about life's big questions, he seeks to understand all he can. He was raised by loving foster parents, but unanswered questions about his biological parents always weighed on him. He embarked on a quest to find them, only to discover they had passed away. He was overcome with anger and disappointment. After he overcame this, he decided to dedicate his life to helping others who were adopted.
Eco is a fairy and her multiple-intelligence is naturalistic. Dainty (but strong!), Eco is loving, thoughtful, wise and motivated to make the world a better place. She has been fighting for environmental causes to keep her community intact.
Hoku represents the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Hoku is motivating, hardworking and strong (inwardly and outwardly). She was teased and bullied as a child, but found solace in sports and martial arts. She grew strong and confident, and learned to stand up to her bullies and protects others.
Pierre is visual-spatial. He is artistic and creative, sensitive and understanding. He also has dyslexia and when he was younger he had a lot of difficulties in school, and with no real support from family, he felt isolated and fell into depression. While by all outward appearances the epitome of success, his family was not very close-knit nor very caring towards each other. Art was the one thing that helped him find his purpose, and now he spends a lot of time contributing to the social cause of mental illnesses.
Reggie represents the musical-rhythmic intelligence. He is laid-back, happy, and positive, and always wanting to bring joy to those around him. Growing up, Reggie was not without his share of problems. He struggled in school because of his ADHD and due to his low grades, he was dropped from his HS sports teams. Reggie was inconsolable and despondent. But Music helped him find focus and peace, both in himself and in others.
Of the nine multiple intelligences, Sphinx represents verbal-linguistic. Intelligent, dignified, incredibly strong and hardworking, Sphinx possesses a special gift for riddles and is naturally powerful. She has undeniable leadership skills and dedicates her life to helping girls like her pursue gender equality.
Yang represents the intrapersonal multiple-intelligence. Yang is reflective, thoughtful, intuitive, and honest. He helps others on their paths to self-discovery with his powers that give him the ability to show people their potential future in the reflection of water surfaces, and what will happen if they let outside influences sway them from their true self, and help them be in tune with who they truly are deep down inside.