How much do you know about Prime Suspect?

Now's the time to Interrogate yourself...

Created by LifeDeathPrizes (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 5, 2017
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Which year did Prime Suspect start?

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What was the average amount of viewers for the first series?

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How many series were there before the current prequel?

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Name the main character played by Helen Mirren.

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Helen Mirren won an Oscar for her performance in which film?

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Which actor played the killer George Marlow in the first series?

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Who was the writer of first series?

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Jane rises to the rank of Detective Superintendent. What is Jane's rank at the beginning of the show?

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At which fictional police station does Jane start off?

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What was the name of the spoof show produced for Red Nose day in 1997?

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How old is Jane in the prequel starring Stefanie Martini?

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Martini appeared in which other drama?

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The American version of the show was originally set in San Francisco but was moved to which city because it was grittier?

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In the new series, who plays old prison lag Clifford Bentley?

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