This Is Spinal Tap Quiz
This Is Spinal Tap Quiz
Will you prove your rock star status?
Will you prove your rock star status?

What year was the film released?
Who was making the rockumentary?
What was the name of the club where he heard the band back in 1966?
He was knocked out by their exuberance, raw power and what?
How many years had Spinal Tap been going for?
What is the name of the album that they are releasing during the tour?
When they arrived in America, what was written on the board their driver was holding?
Can you name these band members left to right?
What was the original name of the band?
What were the waiters dressed as at the first party?
Who do the band bump into at the hotel in Memphis?
What set malfunction did the band suffer on stage when they were coming out of the pods?
How high is the Stonehenge prop?
What's the name of the band manager?