Are You Ready for the Life You Want?
Are You Ready for the Life You Want?
The people in this world that are crazy enough to believe that they can’t change the world… usually don’t.
- Tina Colizza
What is the life you want? Do you know? If you know what you want, take this quiz to see if you are ready to change what you need to change to start living the life you want. If you do not know what you want, then click here to get started on defining the life you want.
Ready to take the quiz?
The people in this world that are crazy enough to believe that they can’t change the world… usually don’t.
- Tina Colizza
What is the life you want? Do you know? If you know what you want, take this quiz to see if you are ready to change what you need to change to start living the life you want. If you do not know what you want, then click here to get started on defining the life you want.
Ready to take the quiz?

I have a complete written life plan that deals with money, health, relationships, adventure and impact.
I have identified one goal that I am working on right now in support of my life plan.
Have you identified some of the sacrifices you will have to make while working toward your one goal and life plan?
When faced with a challenging situation that affects your current comfort level, what statement below describes you best?
Do you believe that the steps you identified to achieve your life plan will work?
Do you believe that you can do all the steps you identified in your life plan?
Do you believe that living the life you want, is worth the effort it might take?
On a scale of 1-4, where 1=totally disagree and 4=totally agree, how would you rate the following statement:
The entire Universe is helping me live the life I want.
On a scale of 1-4, where 1=totally disagree and 4=totally agree, how would you rate the following statement:
I am a prisoner of my circumstances and will never be free.
If you really wanted to earn over 1 million dollars a year in personal income, do you believe you could?
Really Ready – Go Get It!
Really Ready – Go Get It!
You are certainly ready to live the life you want. You have a plan, you have direction and you have mapped out your journey with the steps you need to take. Bravo! You must now start taking action, if you have not already started. You have a powerful mindset, with very few thought weasels trying to deceive you into thinking that you cannot live the life you want. You are living purposefully and with intention…you represent the true reason that we are here in this world together! You are on your way to becoming all that you are capable of becoming. You are an inspiration to all people. I hope you share your success with us on
Kinda Ready – Beware of the Thought Weasels
Kinda Ready – Beware of the Thought Weasels
You are almost ready to start living the life you want. You still have a few thought weasels that are trying to derail your plans for the life you want. You need to start nourishing your mind with powerful reminders of your capabilities and your ability to succeed. Make sure you surround yourself with people who believe in you and who will support and encourage you in your efforts. Do not get disheartened by the negativity and limited beliefs of others. You can do this! Remember to think about why living the life you want is worth it. Reflect on this why and make sure your why is strong. You might want to consider some coaching to help you create a strong action plan while popping some of those thought weasels.
Check this one out:
Not so ready
Not so ready
Oh my, you have so many thought weasels lurking in your mind that you’ve completely lost sight of the power and strength that resides within you. The good news is that you can start popping those weasels and nourishing your mind with power boosters. Please do not let anyone (and that includes you) tell you that you cannot live the life you want. You need to start by gathering proof that your limiting beliefs (thought weasels) are not true. Write down all the reasons why you do not think you can live the life you want. Then, I want you to do some research and find examples to prove those reasons are false. One common reason people do not think they cannot live the life they want is that they do not have any money. Go to and see for yourself that there are many people who are living the life they want and had not money to start.
Thinking that you cannot live the life you want because you have no money is nonsense. Find examples for all your reasons and start working on your life plan!
You can download your free life plan here:
Unfortunately, your life is controlled by the many thought weasels that live in your mind. You think you have it all figured out and you believe that your greatest strength is that you are a realist. But in reality you are living without intention, allowing yourself to simply drift where circumstance pulls you. You are a prisoner of your own making. There is only one person that can set you free – and that person is you. You are where you are right now in your life because you don’t have a plan and you are aimlessly existing from one moment to the next, drifting into areas that you may not like or want. The good news is that if you decide that you want to be free, you can take control of your life and choose where you are going. You can. You will need some help popping those weasels. But we all need help sometimes. I hope you know how marvelous and powerful you are. Don’t waste your potential by simply drifting through life. Live with intention and purpose.
A great place to start living with intention is
Hope to see you there!