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Which Wings Of Fire Dragon Are You?

Which dragon from WIngs Of Fire are you? A SeaWing? A RainWIng? FInd out in our test!

Lilac Dragon
Created by Lilac Dragon (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 26, 2015

What superpower would you want? (out of the following)

What's your fav color?

Where would you like to live?

What is a major flaw of yours?

What friends do you have?



You are a SeaWing! You are a dragon that breathes underwater and is secretive. You protect your possesions, but your personality is bossy and outgoing! You are also protective of all your loved ones.



You are a RainWing! You don't care what others do, even if it affects you. Others might see you as lazy, but inside, you're really NOT. You have secrets that not even you knew about. You are calm, peaceful, but you can be boring(if you tried).



You Are A MudWing! You like to eat, and you are a strong person. You are understanding, caring, and your door is always open, to anyone. You aren't offended or angered easily. You are also loyal, devoted, and your siblings help you through life.



You are a NightWing! You are a mysterious person. You are often misunderstood. You use manipulation to get what you want. You have uncountable secrets and like to keep to yourslef. On the outside, people might see you as an untrustworthy and/or a quiet, "leave-me-alone" kind of person.



You are an IceWIng! You hold many grudges against people and never forget. You are also competitive, and you ain't gonna like anybody who beats you in anything.You have a rough cover, but you also have a soft side, but no one except your loved ones see it.



You are a Sandwing! You judge by the actions of people. You aren't understanding, and you built prickly walls to keep everyone out. You want to please your superiors, and you care a lot about your reputation and ego. You may seem like this to others, but all you want is the best for other people.



You are a SkyWing! You have a hot temper, and you're overprotective. You have a strong bond with your loved ones, and you're never gonna let go of them. Most of the time, you're grouchy and don't get along with others.

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