Which Era Should You Be In?

So many eras in history! But which one are you supposed to be in?

Created by Lilbean12 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick A Famous Person From History

Pick A Home

Pick A Slang Word From An Era

Pick A Fancy Plate

Pick A Outfit

Pick A Hobby

Pick A TV Show/Movie

You Were Supposed To Be In The Middle Ages!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Middle Ages!

The Middle Ages is so exciting! Dungeons, dragons, knights and castles! The period is so diverse, perfect for someone like you! It is such a majestic and dark period in history. Oh the Plague! Who were you? Royalty? A knight? A farmer's daughter? Only you can say!

You Were Supposed To Be In Ancient Greece/Rome!

You Were Supposed To Be In Ancient Greece/Rome!

Ancient Greece and Rome were one of several classical periods of world history. Both provided substantial logic such as those of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Democritus, etc. Such vast amounts of knowledge and social organization booming during this period! It's a great time period! Perfect for you! You are a classic person with a strong personality! Perfect for this period!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Roaring 20's!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Roaring 20's!

The 1920s were generally a decade of empowerment. A war had just been ended; the troops had been dismissed. In New York, there was the Harlem Renaissance, and African Americans were having a chance to have voices in this world, to create art and have a community of art and inspiration surrounding them. Women everywhere in the US were starting to feel their power and know they could make an impact on the world. Women had just gotten their right to vote! This is also one of the few time periods when breasts weren't considered the epitomy of sexiness. Flappers are great in general--the clothing, the music, the Charleston! The 1920s were exciting! Prohobition was alive and well, with assymetrical sometimes-villains: did you know Al Capone opened up a soup kitchen? People were having fun! This is a decade of great culture. Perfect for someone like you!

You Are Perfect For The Digital Era!

You Are Perfect For The Digital Era!

Computers! Video games! High tech! The present era is the one for you! You have amazing ideas and plans to help build the future! This period is open-minded and accepts everyone! You have a warming heart, but at the same time you have a great mind!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Renaissance Era!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Renaissance Era!

It was at this time when modern diplomacy began to develop, science and observation advanced in numerous ways, humanism started to dominate education and religion, music became a universal language, art blossomed into a variety of beautiful techniques, ideas became the gateways to modern invention and practice, and overall acted as a beacon that spread a unique and thoroughly-captivating array of culture and knowledge throughout the most of Europe. This era is perfect for you! You are an elegant person and very artistic!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Wild West!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Wild West!

Yeeeha! Cowboys! Horses! Booze! This era was a crazy one! Perfect for someone like yourself! You have wild ideas and have a fun personality! You don't mind getting your hands dirty and you love the great dry outdoors!

You Were Supposed To Be In Ancient Egypt!

You Were Supposed To Be In Ancient Egypt!

Oh la la! You were made for Ancient Egypt! What a elegant time! You are a classy person who only settles for the best, but at the same time you are a tough person. You know how to rule a kingdom and you are a very spiritual person.

You Were Supposed To Be In The Fifties!

You Were Supposed To Be In The Fifties!

Hot! You were supposed to be in the fifties! Hollywood was huge and girl's were even hotter! You are a classy person and you know your right from wrong. You have a great sense of style and you are beautiful!

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