I Bet We Can Sum Up Your Life In 3 Words!
I Bet We Can Sum Up Your Life In 3 Words!
Third times the charm!
Third times the charm!

I hope you're ready for a new format! There will be different 3 letter phrases, choose the one that connects with you the most? Take a while to think about each one. Have fun!
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you:
Choose the line that resonates with you: (this one is the most important, so choose wisely!)
My final words. Thanks for quizzing! Like and share! Thanks so much!
Working On Me
Working On Me
You're not done yet. You're a masterpiece in the making, and that's why you stick out.
You are humble enough to admit that you're not perfect yet, and I'll tell you a secret.
*looks over my shoulder as I lean in*
No one is... that's what makes life worth it!
You're in touch with the world around you, and you're unafraid to face reality. You're working on yourself, and that's step one in the Big Book of Being Brave.
Yes, I totally just made that book up - but it was cute anyway (lol!)
Two Stiff Drinks
Two Stiff Drinks
And you might need a third one!
From the lines you've chosen, I wouldn't be surprised if you've had a rough time so far. The best part is that you're still here, and you're still thriving.
You're a person of edge and angst. You understand yourself and you know your limits.
My advice? A wise man once said not to take life so seriously, because you'll never make it out of it alive.
Get it? Hah!
Why So Serious?
Why So Serious?
I was waiting to meet someone like you! My favorite part about people like you is that humor comes naturally to you, even though you might not even notice it.
Have people ever laughed when you were DEAD serious? Right!
It's because of the air you exude. You let people relax, you laugh when everyone else is too down to, and you lighten the world up.
So thanks for that!
Came To Slay
Came To Slay
C'mon quizzers now let's get in FORMATION~
You embody living life to the fullest. You don't back down, it's probably one of your greatest strengths and most annoying weaknesses. When you come, you come to win! Sometimes you go overboard, but what matters is that you arrived.
Beyonce said it best -
We gon' slay (SLAY!)
Daydreaming and Romanticizing
Daydreaming and Romanticizing
You're a soul that dreams.
You're the type to believe in love and hope for the best. You'd probably like living in a fairy tale world much more than ours. Yes, you sacrifice a lot - but you'd get the one thing that I think you crave: magic.
Once you find those butterflies, never let them go. And if means anything, you'll make a much bigger impact in this world than with Cinderella.
Today's A Gift
Today's A Gift
You're aligned with realism, honesty, and gratitude. You are also fairly rare in the type of personalities in this world.
You're the type to take one step forward, even when you aren't sure of the results. No matter how bad things get, you're hopeful that they will get better. You have faith, I can't say what you have faith in, but I can assure that it exudes from you.
What's the secret to your strength?
Let It Go~
Let It Go~
You're not the type to hold on to grudges or past problems.
You are a free-spirited soul and you refuse to let the world get you down. You know when to go with the flow, and that makes being in the world much easier.
So grab a blue outfit, put more sparkles than you can afford on it, and go let those pitchy vocals loose!
Just Do It!
Just Do It!
It's not every day that you meet someone who is open to taking the first step forward.
You're brave, and that's the most important piece of your personality type. You're not afraid to take a risk. You're not afraid to fail because you know that one day you'll succeed in ways that no one could imagine.
Because no one imagined going there in the first place.
Just do it!