What Does Your Personality Smell Like?
What Does Your Personality Smell Like?
Have you noticed what smell is right under your nose - literally?
Have you noticed what smell is right under your nose - literally?

What type of work environment would you like to be in?
You have to choose, the friend who talks too much - or the friend who barely talks at all.
Which looks best?
Which most closely describes your parents' relationship with each other?
Avant garde styles - which do you like best?
Which of the following do you find yourself saying most often?
There is a killer on the loose, and you only have two places to hide - choose one.
What word do you like to be associated with?
Desert time! Will you have fruit or ice cream? (and yes, strawberry ice cream is out!)
Can YOU imagine what your smell would LOOK like?
Vanilla Mint
Vanilla Mint
It was magic when Vanilla met Mint, and your personality is that same type of magic! You are sweet but revitalizing at the same time. You’re also the perfect thing to make bad day get better, that’s why your personality has a scent of Vanilla Mint!
You know how to approach a situation and fill the room you’re in with positive energy. It’s always great to have a friend who can see the brighter side of things. But you don’t just see it, you vacation there! You’re the perfect type of person to depend on when times get rough!
Can you say, “irresistible?”
Summer Citrus (Maybe Some Vodka)
Summer Citrus (Maybe Some Vodka)
When Summer and Citrus met there wasn’t just magic. There were fireworks and explosions! And MAAAAYBE a little liquor~ Their exciting, energetic, and lively child is you! It’s your fun and free personality that attracts the people around you – that’s why your personality has a scent of Summer Citrus!
People may think that you’re a little too much sometimes, but that’s just because they haven’t realized how revitalizing you really are! Everyone needs a friend who can always cheer them up, and that’s you!
And remember, I said a LITTLE liquor, don’t get carried away now~
Fresh Air
Fresh Air
Have you ever been upset, or sick, or stuck in the house all day? Do you remember that wave of relaxation that takes over your body when you first take a deep breath of fresh air?
You ARE that feeling! You are relaxed, reliable, and revitalizing! Maybe you can’t put a finger on the smell, but you are a breath of fresh air!
After a long, tiresome day – you’re the one to talk to. In a group of friends you are the one who has a realistic and creative approach to make the day better. When everything is getting a little bit tougher, you’re the person to refresh the room!
You, just like the air, are too big to put in a box – a free spirit!
Midnight Lavender
Midnight Lavender
Lavender is a soft scent, but like you, it’s persistent, and nearly hypnotizing. That’s because of its interesting style. You are that same type of persistent and interesting – saying a lot with very little. That’s why this is how your personality would smell!
You have the type of personality that could leave a mark with little interaction. You’re the one who steps into a room and captures everyone’s attention without much problem when you put your mind to it! The late night is also when you do your best work, so try to stay up and see what amazing things you can think up.
Midnight Lavender leaves the room wondering, just like you do!
Ice Cream Sundae
Ice Cream Sundae
Your personality smells like an ice cream sundae! You are creative, diverse, and have a little bit of everything you’ll ever need! This means you are multi-talented and can do many things really well. A Jack (or Jane) of all Trades!
You are the friend that can come into a room and make something out of nothing. You can have fun when everyone else is down or upset about something. People like you are the types who invent.
You are imaginative and that’s your strong suit!
You have the whole package! Or should I say the whole carton?
That Something Special
That Something Special
I’ve smelled QUITE a few personalities, but I can't seem to put my finger on what you smell like…
You are intriguing, generous, but more importantly QUITE unique. You make your own path, maybe one day you’re sweet and somber, maybe you’re fiery and energetic the next! There’s no telling with you!
You are the friend that no one can ever expect. The one that suddenly decides to go skydiving, or rock climbing – you’re that something special!