Which Hallucinogenic Would You Be?
Which Hallucinogenic Would You Be?
You might start seeing colors!
You might start seeing colors!

We begin in a forest with plants that are known for their psychoactive properties, pick one.
How intense is your personality on a scale of 1-10?
Quickly pick the pieces of the painting that follow:
Choose quickly:
Quicker! Pick your favorite one!
Faster! Time is running out!
Alright, this is the last one.
I lied! THIS is the last one.
I lied again, HAH!
Now that our psycho-art journey is over, choose a word to describe the paintings in general.
Do you approve of the use of hallucinogenic drugs?
Thanks for taking my test! Please remember to share your results, I love hearing feedback! Please take a psychodelic gift before you go~
The Divine Messenger - Mescaline
The Divine Messenger - Mescaline
You're the Divine Messenger, and whether or not you're divine is definitely up for debate (lol!). You are balanced and instinctual (maybe, hah!).
Known for your psychoactive properties when ingested, you're used for various transcendence practices, including meditation, psychonautics, and psychedelic psychotherapy.
You help people get to a higher place and usually after putting them through a much lower one.
After taking you, users have said they've felt as if they met an angel. Or as I like to call them, a Divine Messenger.
Magic Mushrooms - Psilocybin
Magic Mushrooms - Psilocybin
It's the Magic Mushroom!
You have the bright, playful personality that helps people unwind and relax. You also help lots of college students get zooted out of their mind, too!
Users of magic mushrooms experienced altered thinking processes, closed and open-eye visuals, synesthesia, an altered sense of time and spiritual experiences.
You are out of this world, literately.
Hey LSD! Was your break long enough to come take my quiz? I thought you'd be sending people off to the psychedelic worlds of the unknown!
You are one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals known to man. It's because you're persistent, creative, and intense.
Whenever you're in the room, there are two things that come to mind. "Wow" and "Got damn!"
Vine of the Dead - DMT
Vine of the Dead - DMT
The Vine of the Dead, given its name due to the cleansing nature of this drug. You are thorough and purposeful - which means I wouldn't be surprised if you were the backbone of your friend group.
After cleansing a user's body, DMT (YOU!) take them on a spiritual experience that has been said to cure PTSD, learning disorders, and even depression.
Long story short, you're a lot to deal with sometimes - but you're worth it.
The Virgin Mary - Salvia
The Virgin Mary - Salvia
The Virgin Mary is here!
Some people literally forgot which way was up or didn’t know if they owned their bodies anymore. Others felt their internal organs being pulled in directions across all three planes, and through extra dimensions they hadn’t known existed. And a few could “feel” objects by looking at them.
You are curious and peculiar, yet absolutely refreshing!
This plant has been used in religious ceremonies by the Mazatec people of Mexico for centuries. They associate it with the Virgin Mary and believe ingesting salvia enables them to speak with her.
How does it feel to be Mary?
Angel Dust
Angel Dust
Some people say they named you Angel Dust because of the way you look, others say it's because of how you make them feel, and a few say it's because they'll be meeting angels after messing with you.'
You are quirky and fearless, which may intimate the people around you. You may also struggle with seeming authentic, but that can all be fixed by remaining true to yourself no matter what.
Also known as Sernyl among others names, you were brought to market in the 1950s as an anesthetic pharmaceutical drug but was taken off the market in 1965 due to the high prevalence of dissociative hallucinogenic side effects - basically, you made a few people lose their marbles (for good).