Which Vehicle are you?
Which Vehicle are you?
Find out which vehicle are you? A car, bike , cycle , plane or a boat?
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Find out which vehicle are you? A car, bike , cycle , plane or a boat?
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Whats your soul element?
(Or which one do you feel more attracted with?)
Whats your favorite seasons?
Choose a pet.
You are very close with...
If you had a super natural power, what would it be?
Choose a Disney character...
A car
A car
You are a private car. You are smart, easy going and good looking ! You carry your boss from home to office everyday. And your boss loves to get a ride on you.
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A cycle
A cycle
You are a Bicycle . A cute girl owns you. You are cute and adventurous . You carry your owner school to home and home to school every day.
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A boat
A boat
You are a Boat. A Hawaiian fisherman owns you. You are funny and a great swimmer. You carry your owner on the sea to catch fishes.
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A Motor Bike
A Motor Bike
You are a Motor Bike. A great racer owns you. You and your owner have won a lot of races. You are fast, speedy and and clever. Your life is full of challenges .
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An airplane
An airplane
You are an Airplane. You carry thousands of peoples every day and night from Country to country. Your life in the sky is amazing. But sometimes you wish to visit the lands when you see them from the sky.
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