16 Reasons Why Everybody's Talking About The Gilmore Girls Trailer!
16 Reasons Why Everybody's Talking About The Gilmore Girls Trailer!
Don't miss number 15!
Don't miss number 15!

Lorelai has the same girl crush we all do!
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The very first sentence we hear from Lorelai Gilmore after 9 long years is "Do you think Amy Schumer would like me?"
And the same guy crush.
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The last words we hear from Lorelai Gilmore until November is about John Oliver.
Corpse Flower
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Lorelai's random references are still flying as fast as they ever were, but at least Rory has Google at her fingertips now.
Lorelai still hates watersports
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For some reason Lorelai didn't respond with "dirty" when Rory said it, but that'll be fixed later...we're sure.
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Just everything.
John Oliver's response!
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The in-built heat detector never lies!