How Big Is Your Vocabulary?
How Big Is Your Vocabulary?
Some people are like living, breathing dictionaries. Are you one of them?
Some people are like living, breathing dictionaries. Are you one of them?

What is a "rhetorical" question?
Which is the best synonym for "mercurial"?
Choose the picture that best represents a "cacophony."
If you attended a "secular" school, what kind of school was it?
Which fruit would have an "acerbic" taste?
What group does the term "avuncular" refer to?
If a doctor gives you "palliative" care, what does she do?
Which Simpson character can be best described as a "sycophant"?
Choose the "cephalopod."
What kind of feeling is a "compunction"?
Choose the object that can be described as "pliable."
Which animal are we talking about if we use the word "vulpine"?
What does a harbinger do?
Which of these popular phrases could be exchanged with the word "immolate"?
What does a "garrulous" person do too much of?