What Does Your Taste In Disney Movies Say About Your Ability To Make Money?
What Does Your Taste In Disney Movies Say About Your Ability To Make Money?
Will you be swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck?
Will you be swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck?
![Linda Casablanca](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/a58c0a3b-9699-467e-a8dd-cc3915625ff1.jpg)
Choose a nasty villain.
Choose an inspirational moment.
Choose a kiss.
Which type of Disney movies do you like the best?
What era do your favorite Disney movies tend to belong to?
Choose a heroic animal.
What kind of man makes for the best Disney hero?
Which type of woman makes for the best Disney heroine?
Choose a resourceful Disney princess.
Choose the best song from Frozen.
You make it and then give it away
You make it and then give it away
Whatever money you make, you immediately share with friends and family, loan out to acquaintances and give to charity. This might not seem like a sound investment strategy, but one day, your generosity will come back to you tenfold. Keep on giving. Someday your dreams will come true.
You are lucky with money
You are lucky with money
You have a lot of luck with money. If anyone asked you, you would say you don't have any luck at all. Think about it. When you really need it, money just seems to fall out of the sky, like a little April Shower: a rebate you forgot about, 20 bucks on the sidewalk, a gift from a relative. Drip drop drop.
You make money slow and steady
You make money slow and steady
You make money the old fashioned way; you earn it. You aren't looking for a get rich quick scheme. You don't believe in them. You believe in working hard every day and saving for your future. Good news! You're getting closer and closer every day. You're almost there.
You make money like a BOSS!
You make money like a BOSS!
You have a knack for making money. While you might not be diving into a giant money pit and spitting out coins like Scrooge McDuck, you've got the midas touch. You've got the inspiration to get started and the ambition to carry you through to financial success! Cha-ching!