How Close Are You To Finding Inner Peace?
How Close Are You To Finding Inner Peace?
Don't give up the search now! You might be just about to find it.
Don't give up the search now! You might be just about to find it.

How difficult is your search for inner peace?
Does being in nature recharge you?
What is your biggest wish for the future?
How often during a busy day do you find time to practice mindfulness?
How cluttered is your homelife?
Do you consider the consequences of your actions?
Do you feel as though the various parts of your life are in order?
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
Where do you think your current path is taking you?
How important are other people in your quest for enlightenment?
How hard is it for you to clear your mind when you meditate?
You're there!
You're there!
You are mindful and mind-full. You have awareness and a sense of calmness. You can accept your faults as you move in real ways to change them. You can handle any situation just by looking within, and you often do. That is where you find your center, your contentment, your PEACE.
So close!
So close!
Don't give up and don't give in. Your journey is nearly at the end. Keep looking inward and you'll see something. A spark. A sign. An arrow pointing towards the sky. This is telling you to look outward. Away from yourself. That is where you'll find your inner peace.
You are on the right path. Keep going! Keep focusing inward, but don't forget to also look outward. You need to clear out the psychic junk that's been clogging up your soul for years, because once you do, your goal will be clear.
You need to do much more soul-searching and inner dwelling before the peaceful center of your soul will reveal itself to you. Meditate on what your life would be like if there was an antidote to chaos inside you: a respite and remedy of all your problems. Move towards it. You will get there.