How Should You Spend Your Golden Years Based On Your Taste In Star Wars Movies?
How Should You Spend Your Golden Years Based On Your Taste In Star Wars Movies?
In a galaxy far, far away, maybe?
In a galaxy far, far away, maybe?

Darth Vader. Great villain or greatest villain?
Choose a droid.
Episode One. Bad movie or The Worst movie?
Choose your favorite Millennium Falcon scene.
Which do you love the most?
What is your favorite among the prequels?
Which was the best of the original trilogy?
The Force Awakens. Great sequel or the greatest sequel?
Choose a co-pilot.
A hero you must choose.
You should spend your golden years in quiet contemplation: aka doing as little as humanly possible. You've been running on all cylinders your whole life. You've earned some R&R. Perhaps by then, all the Star Wars movies will be available for streaming. That'll be cool.
You should spend your golden years recovering from the injuries you've accumulated in your active life. All this living is going to catch up to you at one point. Let's just hope they've perfected the medical droid by then.
You should spend your golden years travelling around the galaxy...I mean country. You've lived your entire life in your own terms, why stop because you've got a few gray hairs. Oh, and if you can find yourself a furry companion to be your co-pilot, that would be even better.
You should spend your golden years being frozen in suspended animation until science finds a cure for aging and you can live forever. You wouldn't squander your immortality like some people squander their retirement savings. Still, you might want to put some money aside.
You should spend your golden years with people you love. You have always been about the love. Why stop when you get old? Surround yourself with friends, family and pets and let the love flow through you like The Force.