Then and Now: What Ten Corporate Logos Looked Like Back In The Day.
Then and Now: What Ten Corporate Logos Looked Like Back In The Day.
Some of these old-school logos look very different today!
Some of these old-school logos look very different today!

Created by Linda Casablanca
On Apr 9, 2016
What was this winky chef selling?
Whose logo featured a smiling Man in the Moon?
Whose simple bell is this?
That might have been easy, but how about this bell?
Whose topless, spread-eagled mermaid logo is this?
Which company started out with this intricate logo?
Who would use a peacock as a logo?
This one is all business.
A cursive logo? Must have been the 1800s.
It changed from 1900 and 1904, but how does it look today?
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021