What Diet Should You Go On Based On Your Personality?
What Diet Should You Go On Based On Your Personality?
Who you are is the key to how you should eat.
Who you are is the key to how you should eat.

When you see a police car in your rear-view mirror, how do you feel?
Do you remember to bring reusable bags with you to the store?
If your friends wanted to come over, but your place was a mess, what would you do?
Have you ever stayed up all night binge watching tv shows?
If you were going to watch a documentary, what topic would you choose?
When you watch a reality show, who do you root for?
Which party personality fits you the best?
How many pets do you have?
What's your exercise style?
When someone says something mean to you, how long does it take you to get over it?
What kind of student were (or are) you?
Which political hot button topic are you most passionate about?
Do you play an instrument?
How often do you bathe or shower?
Have you tried online dating?
Whole 30
Whole 30
You should go on the Whole 30 diet. You are the kind of person who needs to follow rules, but those rules need to make sense. You can understand a diet that wants you to give up processed food in favor of more healthy, whole foods, and you can do it. For a month anyway. Just make sure you consult a doctor before starting any diet plan.
Plant Based
Plant Based
You should go on a plant-based diet such as Forks Over Knives. You are the kind of person who needs to feel like they are doing the right thing. Your empathetic nature makes the vegan diet perfect for you and your ability to sleep at night. Just make sure you consult a doctor before starting any diet plan.
You shouldn't really go on a diet. You are the kind of person who doesn't need a lot of rules. You'd actually do better without any rules. You have enough self-control to practice moderation in your everyday eating and drinking, so just trust yourself.
You should go on a paleo or low carb diet. You are the kind of person who needs to be in control at all times, even when following the rules. A protein-heavy diet will help you to feel powerful even as you stick to this rigid plan. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a diet, especially a low-carb, high protein diet.
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers
You should go on the Weight Watchers. You are the kind of person who really doesn't want to go on a diet. The idea of cutting out the food you love scares you a bit. Weight Watchers is easy and not scary at all. Just make sure you consult a doctor before starting any diet plan.