What Percentage Angel/Devil Are You?
What Percentage Angel/Devil Are You?
Everyone has a Devilish side...some of us more than others.
Everyone has a Devilish side...some of us more than others.

Have you ever given a stranger the wrong directions on purpose?
Would you ever stiff a server on a tip?
Have you ever convinced a friend to stay out late even though they had a ridiculously early morning the next day?
Have you ever put a bad picture of a friend on social media?
Would you ever flirt with someone your friend was interested in?
Do you ALWAYS wash your hands after using the bathroom?
Have you ever tried to sneak past security?
Do you ever tease your friends?
And finally, your best friend left their phone unlocked. Do you snoop?
90% Angel/ 10% Devil
90% Angel/ 10% Devil
You are so good and sweet, you give people around you a toothache. Every once in awhile, though, you bring out your devil horns. It doesn't happen often, and it doesn't last long, but your devil side serves a purpose: it keeps people from taking advantage of your angelic side.
60% Angel/ 40% Devil
60% Angel/ 40% Devil
You are mostly good, most of the time, but being good gets boring. Sometimes you just need to let your inner devil out to wave a pitchfork around. You always feel bad about it after, though.
60% Devil / 40% Angel
60% Devil / 40% Angel
You are sometimes good, but being good is just so boring. It's much more fun to be devilish. Sometimes, though, your inner angel makes you feel bad about your behavior.
Stupid inner angel... right?
90% Devil / 10% Angel
90% Devil / 10% Angel
You rascal, you! You are naughty by nature and devilish by design. But deep, deep down, you have a tiny angel, acting as a miniature conscience. It's a good thing, too. Otherwise, you'd be a Disney villain.