Would You Win On Jeopardy?
Would You Win On Jeopardy?
Get your buzzers ready, and don't forget to phrase your answers in the form of a question.
Get your buzzers ready, and don't forget to phrase your answers in the form of a question.

This term for a long-handled gardening tool, can also mean an immoral pleasure seeker.
He was the only 20th century President who never delivered an inaugural address.
Jeopardy! Grand Champion, Ken Jennings, made this many appearances before finally getting knocked out by Nancy Zerg?
A fence painting contest is the highlight of National Tom Sawyer Day in this Missouri city.
This literary character has a parrot named Cap'n Flint.
In the heavens, Betelgeuse & Bellatrix are this giant's "shoulder" stars.
Drummer Frank Beard is the only member of this band seen here who doesn't have a beard.
Chinese immigrants began to arrive in California just before this 1849 "rush".
In "This Little Piggy Went to Market", it's what the little pig cried all the way home.