What Color Is Your Memory?
What Color Is Your Memory?
Find out now if you have the ultimate brain power!
Find out now if you have the ultimate brain power!

Golden Memory!!!
Golden Memory!!!
Unbelievable!! You absolutely nailed this ultimate memory test! If you were in school you would be receiving a gold star!! Keep eating that fish because your brain is on fire!
To improve your brain functioning:
Silver Memory!!
Silver Memory!!
Great attempt!! You definitely deserve a silver star for you effort, you only missed one or two questions! Continue to eat fish to boost your memory and you will be remembering everything in no time!!
To improve your brain functioning:
Bronze Memory!
Bronze Memory!
Oh no!! You seem to be very forgetful! But do not despair...there are many ways to improve your memory! Fish has been proven to improve your memory skills, so go and eat a nice, big piece of fish and you will have a golden memory in no time!
To improve your brain functioning: