What Is Your Psychic Reading?

Through thought provoking images and questions, let our local Playbuzz psychic tell you your fortune.

Linda Wilson
Created by Linda Wilson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 24, 2018

Out of these images which are you drawn to?

What is your age bracket?

Out of the following Tarot cards, which are you most drawn to?

In this abstract painting what do you see?

Examine the lines in this picture, and then those in your hands. What stands out to you most on your hands?

Out of these abstract images, which are you most drawn to?

You find that you are telling yourself lately...

Which of the following animals do you MOST identify with right now?

Out of these colors, which are you MOST drawn to?

And finally... what question would you ask our psychic if in person?

"Creative impulses are tugging at you..."

"Creative impulses are tugging at you..."

You are a bit restless lately, and yet you are thinking outside of the box and wanting to act on your many ideas. Right now is a time for you to let go of old ways of thinking and acting, and start putting your creative ideas into action. You may find that you are wanting to try a new hobby, or change jobs. You most definitely are pulling back the curtain and seeing possibilities that you did not see previously. A period of heightened creativity lies before you, and its expansive charge will help you re-define who you are and re-direct your life's path. You must take advantage of this desire to explore and take risks, because it will shape your life for the better. Don't think too much on the illusion of failure or question yourself too much... You know this only causes you to feel stuck and frustrated. Let your ideas flow, and act on them.

Discover endless possibilities:

"Accomplishment comes slowly, but it is coming..."

"Accomplishment comes slowly, but it is coming..."

You cannot climb a mountain and expect to get to the top quickly. Slow down, and take notice of the beautiful things that are along the way... You WILL get to that place you've been aiming for: that sweet spot where you feel more self-assured and accomplished, and you will make strides in financial gains as well. This last year has been a challenge, to say the least, but it will make the rewards even sweeter. And stop getting down on yourself! You are quick to comfort others and give words of wisdom, so take your own advice and ride the waves to the top.

Discover endless possibilities:

"You are right where you are supposed to be..."

"You are right where you are supposed to be..."

Life hasn't been exactly easy for you lately, but you are where you are supposed to be. The balance you are seeking will fall into place. The work that you have done, and are doing, will not go to waste. You will start to taste the sweet side of "bittersweet" that you have been craving. In your love life, and in your career as well, things are kind of on hold, and for good reason. Although you crave more emotional intimacy, and financial reward from your work, those things will come in time, when the balancing act is achieved. Exercise patience. You have had your fair share of hardship throughout your life, and when you come out of this confusing and chaotic time, you will be the leader and creative spirit others know you to be.

Discover endless possibilities:

"Intimacy and its pearly gates are awaiting you, my Dear..."

"Intimacy and its pearly gates are awaiting you, my Dear..."

Intimacy, and a greater connection to others is in the near future for you. It could be in the form of a romantic relationship or it could be a different kind of intimacy... perhaps you will begin to form a deeper relationship with a friend or family member you have always wanted to be close with. You may be on the cusp of having a child. You might even experience the presence of someone you cared for that you lost, and find peace and harmony, and some closure. There is no doubt though, that intimacy and fulfilling relationships are on the horizon for you. Don't cling to or get too wrapped up in what can go wrong... This can, and has caused problems in the past. Take it slow, appreciate the little moments, and remind yourself you are deserving of amazing partners, friends, deep and fulfilling connections, and love.

Discover endless possibilities:

"You are here for a very special reason"

"You are here for a very special reason"

You are going through a period of asking yourself, "What am I here for?" and "What does this all mean?" Trust me, in the next coming months you will start to delve into those questions, but with an entirely new framework of thinking. First off, congratulate yourself for all the hard work you have done up to this point. You are rather hard on yourself, thinking that what you have done hasn't made much of a difference. It has, and it still does! Get back in touch with the natural abilities you noticed you had as a child, and what other people tell you, you are good at. Sometimes our greatest gifts are there staring us in the face, we just have foggy vision. Don't let fear and self-criticism run the show. You are good at keeping them around, subconsciously thinking they will push you to try harder. Practice a compassionate approach toward connecting with your greater purpose. That is truly the sweet spot.

Discover endless possibilities:

"No risk, no reward"

"No risk, no reward"

You are on the precipice of great change... That is if you let yourself take the risks and let go of your fears that stand in the way! Don't worry about pleasing others. You have done that in the past and it has only caused you frustration. It's time for you to DO YOU, and make up your own unique anthem. Travel someplace new, or have a romantic fling... allow yourself to take wonder in the many pleasures of life, and not become attached to a particular outcome. Allow yourself to let go, especially of that fear of failure. Focus on self discovery and make a new path for yourself. Your life is demanding it.

Discover endless possibilities:

"You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"

"You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"

Uncomplicated independence and freedom... that is what you are seeking, and you will find it. You have felt a bit stifled and held back by current circumstances and situations in your life, but do not worry. You will find a way to break free and start living your life according to your beliefs and passions. You have felt that uncomfortable pull in many directions, and your efforts to please others at times. It is time to let go of expectations from others, and start living out your full potential. Your true friends and loved ones will understand the necessary changes in the coming months, and will support the new you that emerges. You are strong, and keeping things "together" can get exhausting, so let go! Enjoy the moment, and say no... Carve out a new path. When you say no to others, you are saying YES to yourself; do not feel guilty for it!

Discover endless possibilities:

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021