What Crazy Macaroon Flavor Are You?
What Crazy Macaroon Flavor Are You?
You know regular macaroons, but have you seen the craziest flavors people come up with? Find out in this quiz which one you might be! :)
You know regular macaroons, but have you seen the craziest flavors people come up with? Find out in this quiz which one you might be! :)

What crazy thing would you do?
What is your favorite type of cuisine?
Favorite Color?
Favorite Holiday??
Favorite Celebrity?
Favorite TV show?
Which Word describes you most?
Pick an Item.
Let Fate Decide...
Lastly, what regular macaron flavor is your favorite?
Salmon Macaron
Salmon Macaron
You love to explore. You are very imaginative and very curious. You just want to see the world!
Tahini Sesame Macaron
Tahini Sesame Macaron
You are a simple person. You like life how it is. Simple.
Black Truffle Macaron
Black Truffle Macaron
You aren't happy. You wish you could do more, but you're scared. Just do for it! Listen to NIKE!!!
Cheeseburger Macaron
Cheeseburger Macaron
You love food, that's it. You don't hate anything. You love life, and people love you for it!
Vegemite Macaron
Vegemite Macaron
You are very exotic! You love to try new things especially in food! Keep living life to the fullest!
Maple Syrup and Bacon Macaron
Maple Syrup and Bacon Macaron
Your very chill. Dude all you want to do is relax on the couch and watch Netflix all day. You're not worried about life because all you do is chill out... B)
Waffle Macaron
Waffle Macaron
You're pretty cowardly when it comes to life. You try and lay low and stay cool. You don't trust much people, so you have a small group of friends. But you love your life and wouldn't want it to change!
Kool-Aid Macaron
Kool-Aid Macaron
Your Kool as a cucumber! OH YEAH! You love adventure and all things fun! Your life is going great, and you want to live life to the fullest! #YOLO