What Is Your Relationship Goal?

Confused what type of relationship you should have with your loved ones? Let's find out!

Created by Linkagoal (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 1, 2016

What makes you happy in a relationship?

Would you like to change yourself for someone?

Do you always say what you think?

Do you believe daily communication is the most essential part in a relationship?

Are you willing to compromise your goals to maintain your relationship?

Independent Relationship

Independent Relationship

You will make a "Power Couple" or at least you think you will make. You are highly focused when it comes to your career. Your relationship goal should be to not to rush into anything, let your partner do their own thing and spend time with other people.

Rebound Relationship

Rebound Relationship

You will have a fragile relationship with your partner. You change yourself for someone every time, this act of yours might not be beneficial for you. People might take you for granted. Which is not a good thing! Your relationship goal should be to give yourself a chance to be who you are with the other person you love.

Open Book Relationship

Open Book Relationship

You will have an open book relationship with your partner. Relationship experts agree it is best to be open and not hide things from your partner. Being secretive or hiding things is a quick way to have a relationship spiral out of control. You have a power of trusting people, Your relationship goal should be to be open about the issues that you might face in a relationship.

Real Connection Relationship

Real Connection Relationship

You will experience an emotionally sound relationship. You have a good sense of humor. You will be crazy about your love. Your relationship goal should be to completely understand the other person, and accept the person you love the way he/she is.

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