Which Shark Are You?
Which Shark Are You?
There are over 400 different types of sharks. Which one are you most like?
There are over 400 different types of sharks. Which one are you most like?

I’m most like this super hero…
My favorite dog is a …
I like to ______ in my free time.
During a feeding frenzy I want to eat …
The following quote best describes me …
I’d most like to meet …
Great White Shark
Great White Shark
You’re at the top of the food chain and you know it. You aren’t afraid to let others know it either. All that power is intoxicating, but you may want to temper it with a little kindness unless you want everyone to fear you. Fun fact: Great white sharks are fast! Their streamlined, torpedo-shaped bodies and powerful tails can propel them through the water at speeds of up to 15 miles (24 kilometers) per hour. They can even leave the water completely, breaching like whales when attacking prey from underneath.
Bull Shark
Bull Shark
Looks can be deceiving and no one knows that better than you. People often underestimate you at their own peril. You can be a bully, however, and may want to lighten up a little. Fun fact: Bull sharks are responsible for more shark attacks than any other shark species. That’s because they are aggressive, commonly found, and usually live near high-population areas like tropical shorelines. Also, they aren’t bothered by brackish and freshwater, so will venture far inland via rivers and tributaries.
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
You are a gentle giant. Some may find you intimidating, but most people admire your strength of character and caring nature. Fun fact: Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea, reaching lengths of 40 feet (12 meters) or more. Yet, their diet consists of plankton, microscopic organisms that float freely with the surrounding currents, meaning we have nothing to fear if swimming in the vicinity of a whale shark.
Manta Ray
Manta Ray
You’re strong and graceful. People look up to you, but you may find they don’t understand your true nature. Fun fact: Manta Rays, in fact all members of the ray family, are sharks because they breath through gills, are cartilaginous, and are ovoviviparous, meaning that once they have mated the fertilized egg grows within the female’s uterus until it has developed into a fully functioning manta pup.