What Is Your Mental Illness?

I'm not a doctor, but if you think you actually have any of these, contact your doctor! This is a serious issue, no jokes.

Created by TheOneWhoLikesThings (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 8, 2017

What's you favorite color?

If you saw someone dying, what would you do?

Is your room clean?

Do you have friends?

Would you kill anyone?

What's your favorite thing to do?

What is your fear?

What Stereotypical High School Group would you HONESTLY say you were in?

What do you think you will get?

OCD/Obseesive-Combulsive Disorder

OCD/Obseesive-Combulsive Disorder

You Have OCD.

OCD is a common disorder that causes the person to have an urge to have everything orderly. You are a perfectionist, and usually organized. This is not that serious of a disorder, but if you start organizing other peoples things, you might want to get it checked out.

Anti-Social Disorder

Anti-Social Disorder

You have Anti Social disorder.

This is a very serious disorder. It may lead up to disobeying the law and lack of communication to others. Before this disorder gets worse, see a doctor. It is better for yourself and for other people in your life.

ADHD/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

You have ADHD.

This is also a common disorder. It prevents you from focusing in a environment that is loud and has a lot going on. This is not a serious disorder, but if you would like to make sure that's okay.



You have none of the listed disorders!

There are many out there, but I don't want to worry you! It is most likely that you have no disorder whatsoever, but if you start developing any symptoms, talk to your doctor.



You have Depression.

Depression is also a serious disorder that could lead up to suicide. If you are struggling to have happy thoughts and are thinking about suicidal thoughts, contact your doctor. You have a lot to live for, even if you don't know it.

Binge-Eating Disorder

Binge-Eating Disorder

You have Binge-Eating Disorder.

This could turn serious if you continue this habit. Binge Eating is eating more than necessary amounts of food while watching TV or a movie. This could turn into a weight problem, which causes other problems. If you think you have this, contact a doctor.



You have Schizophrenia.

This is a disorder what's you wonder what's real or not. It can get very serious. You might even wonder if this quiz is real. If you are able to comprehend what this says, but still think you have it, confront your doctor.

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On Nov 18, 2021