Which Twenty One Pilots Song Are You <3
Which Twenty One Pilots Song Are You <3
Even though no one else IN THE WORLD love T.O.P. more than me, this determines which song you are <3 (7 QUESTIONS)
Even though no one else IN THE WORLD love T.O.P. more than me, this determines which song you are <3 (7 QUESTIONS)

#1- Are you depressed in any way?
#2- Tyler or Joshua?
#3- How do you feel about banannas? LOL XD
#5- Would you rather listen to your brain, or listen to your heart?
#5- What would you rather do?
#6- At your hardest times, what would you do?
LAST QUESTION- What's your favorite song right now?
Fairly Local
Fairly Local
Wow, your really explorative! You have some bad thoughts in your head sometimes but then cry them out. If not, then I don't know what you are! Lol but I hope your result was satisfying!
MY FAVORITE SONG!! This song means you feel like nobody knows the real you. Like they don't know your life. They think you're okay, but your really not.
Car Radio
Car Radio
MY 2ND FAV SONG!! This means that you're a bit lonely even though you have friends. You feel like the one that's left out.
SUCH A CATCHY SONG!! This song means your really hyper at times, and then also that you were once hurt. Not physically, (then again IDK if you've ever been physically hurt, but I mean like hurt inside), but then you got through it.
Ode to Sleep
Ode to Sleep
REALLY GOOD SONG!! This song means your like hearing voices inside your head but they've left, and your scared because you don't know what that means.
Addict With a Pen
Addict With a Pen
REALLY NICE MUSIC!! This song means you're a bit lonely and you've not stop writing how you feel.