What Type Of Christmas Shopper Are You?
What Type Of Christmas Shopper Are You?
Christmas – whether you love it, or hate it, shopping for presents is a huge part of the fun (and stress). This year, everyday walking charity Living Streets is campaigning to make Oxford Street a nicer place to shop at Christmas.(www.livingstreets.org.uk) Based on how you carry out the annual ritual of Christmas shopping, we’ll tell you what type of Christmas shopper you are.
Christmas – whether you love it, or hate it, shopping for presents is a huge part of the fun (and stress). This year, everyday walking charity Living Streets is campaigning to make Oxford Street a nicer place to shop at Christmas.(www.livingstreets.org.uk) Based on how you carry out the annual ritual of Christmas shopping, we’ll tell you what type of Christmas shopper you are.
There’s no place I’d rather be while I shop at Christmas….
When do you start shopping?
How many people do you shop for at Christmas?
What’s your favourite thing about the Christmas shopping experience?
What footwear do you wear?
You take Christmas shopping in your stride. You enjoy it and take advantage of early sales, meaning you avoid the worst of the crowds and can relax and enjoy the Christmas festivities when they arrive.
Couch Potato
Couch Potato
You carry out almost all of your Christmas shopping online. Black Friday is the best thing ever invented. You can’t bear crowds and are happy to peruse on your own with little physical effort involved.
You leave your present buying until the last possible minute. Christmas Eve and the crazy crowds are your shopping companions. While rather stressful, you can’t bring yourself to peruse with the other happy, clappy shoppers.
You do your festive shopping in bits. You dip in and dip out because you really can’t bear the crowds but aren’t organised enough to start in March. You enjoy buying for loved ones but hate the shopping experience.