6 Reasons Frozen Is A Feminist Dream

We <3 you Elsa + Anna

Liz Carlson
Created by Liz Carlson
On Sep 12, 2016

We get to meet two very strong, very different female leads.


Anna is quirky and real. Confident but not abrasive.


Elsa is quiet and introverted but a strong, powerful woman.

You dance with those locks, girl.


Anna isn't afraid to make the first move and proves it isn't about a man sweeping you off your feet.


Elsa finds herself and comes into her own, no longer hiding who she really is.


A sister's love is the magic that brings Anna back to life, instead of a man.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021