Can We Guess What Kind of Drunk You Are?
Can We Guess What Kind of Drunk You Are?
Pass me a shot first.
Pass me a shot first.
What is your morning drink of choice?
Where do you usually start a Friday night?
You're at the in-laws for dinner. What is your drink of choice?
You're in charge of planning the bacheloratte party. What do you put on the agenda?
Which mixed drink do you order?
You're at a house party. Where can you be found?
When you get to the club, what do you do first?
What is the latest you will stay out?
You're going away for the weekend with friends. You're in charge of...
You just broke up with an S/O of 2 years. You...
An Introspective Observer
An Introspective Observer
You got An Introspective Observer! You get kind of quiet after a few drinks. You start to watch the people around you and think deeply about your life and your friends. You question everything and become more and more removed from the room you're in.
An Emotional Crier
An Emotional Crier
You got An Emotional Crier! You get very emotional when you've been drinking. Whether it's emotion that's suddenly surfaced or deeply rooted pain, you find yourself to be sad every time you get a little tipsy. People tend to avoid talking to you because you cling to them and beg for a listening ear.
I Can't Remember Anything I Did
I Can't Remember Anything I Did
You got I Can't Remember Anything I Did! You've always been a party animal. You love to get tipsy with anyone, and you take responsibility to keep the party going! You won't stop until you drop and very rarely remember how the night ended.
An Aggressive, Lash-Out Drunk
An Aggressive, Lash-Out Drunk
You got An Aggressive, Lash-Out Drunk! You're kind of a scary drunk. You get mad easily and start to yell and push people around if they get "in your face." You get grumpy and easily offended when you've had a few drinks.
A Horny Drunk
A Horny Drunk
You got A Horny Drunk! You get extra handsy when you're drunk. You like to make out with whoever is nearby. It's not because you're slutty, you just crave physical affection. You get kind of silly and flirtatious and usually end up going home with somebody.