How Lovable Are You?
How Lovable Are You?
Are you sweet and cuddly or more prickly and harsh?
Are you sweet and cuddly or more prickly and harsh?
Choose a kitten to cuddle:
Your friends would say you are...
Someone makes a joke at the expense of someone else. You...
What movie would you want to watch?
You see the new kid at school in the hall. You...
Someone says you're cute. You...
Your significant other's pet name for you is...
You've known your best friend for...
You see a cat stuck up in a tree, you...
You are Not the Cuddly Type!
You are Not the Cuddly Type!
We wouldn't say you're entirely "prickly and harsh"... You're just kind of hard to get to know and you put up a tough exterior. Your friends and family have gotten past it but it took time - which is the way you prefer it! You like things a certain way and you have high expectations for the people around you. You could stand to loosen up a bit and spend more time with others. But once you trust someone, it's for life!
You are Hard to Win Over!
You are Hard to Win Over!
We all have an inner-teddy bear, yours is just buried a bit deeper than some! You're not exactly unlovable but it takes a lot to get to your cuddly core. You don't trust people easily, but when you do trust them, you can be very sweet and loving. You've got potential to be very lovable, just let people see who you really are rather than protecting yourself too much.
You are Pretty Lovable!
You are Pretty Lovable!
D'awwww - You're a sweetheart, that's for sure. You love people and are especially loving to your favorite people. You would do almost anything for them. Your love language is probably physical touch or words of affirmation. You could stand to be a little more open minded at times, but for the most part you're very lovable.
You are 100% Lovable!
You are 100% Lovable!
Wow! You are 100% Lovable! Congratulations, you're as lovable as they come, and we're jealous of all the puppies and unicorns you HAVE to be magical friends with! You love to love people and you love when they love you back. You're friendly, warm, funny, and have an open heart. You don't easily turn to judgment but like to accept people as they are and make them feel safe and welcome with you!