How Well Do You Know The Laws Of The Land In Game Of Thrones?
How Well Do You Know The Laws Of The Land In Game Of Thrones?
Let's see if you'll be spared.
Let's see if you'll be spared.
Created by Liz Carlson
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10
Who has power over the land?
2 / 10
Which is NOT a House in Game of Thrones?
3 / 10
What is the capital city called, where the King resides?
4 / 10
Who was the King?
5 / 10
What type of power do Lords have over their land?
6 / 10
What gains you the title of a knight?
7 / 10
What is the written law that The Seven Kingdoms are supposed to follow called?
8 / 10
What is a woman's standing in society in Game of Thrones?
9 / 10
Why would you be called "Lady"?
10 / 10
What is the role of the Night's Watch?
Questions left
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