Only A True Belle Can Ace This Beauty And The Beast Test

Can you?

Liz Carlson
Created by Liz Carlson
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10

Was Belle of royal descent?

2 / 10

Which actress plays the role of Mrs. Potts?

3 / 10

Why is Belle the only one in her village that is wearing blue?

4 / 10

What is NOT on the menu during the "Be Our Guest" scene?

5 / 10

What is the name of Gaston's companion?

6 / 10

Who provided the voice for Belle?

7 / 10

In the beginning of the movie, the tale is told of an old woman knocking on the prince's door, offering a single rose in return for what?

8 / 10

What does Gaston eat for breakfast every day?

9 / 10

What does the footstool turn into at the end of the film?

10 / 10

What film has the same final dance sequence as Beauty & The Beast?

Questions left
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