Which Big Bang Theory Quote Best Suits Your Personality?
Which Big Bang Theory Quote Best Suits Your Personality?
So many Big Bang Theory quotes... but which one is really fitting for you?
So many Big Bang Theory quotes... but which one is really fitting for you?

Choose a comic book:
Do you consider yourself to be competitive?
What do you like to do to unwind?
Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
It's a Friday night. Go out or stay in?
What's your greatest weakness?
Choose a nerdy franchise:
Sorry I'm Late.. I didn't want to come.
Sorry I'm Late.. I didn't want to come.
You’re totally this quote. It’s not that you’re antisocial per se... but you just appreciate your alone time almost always. You’re a naturally introverted person and prefers individual pursuits on the whole rather than dealing with the frivolities of sociability.You think this quote all the time, try not to say it, unless you’re particularly cranky!
This classic zinger (or, bazinger) should be your go to catchphrase! Its effectiveness is in its simplicity and your mischevious nature completely resonates with this comeback. Usually in the show, Sheldon uses this word to resolve petty disputes and indicate and to end the argument he just won. Though he has many intelligent level debates, this catchphrase is used just for its pure zaniness. You don’t let yourself get caught up in the details, and would rather just use this one catchphrase in your day to day burns!
Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch
Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch
This gravity quote is completely you. You consider yourself to be a “realist”, like Sheldon, and often get bummed out by the limitations of the physical world for not being able to catch up with your needs. You don’t like it when things get in your way, especially when they’re out of your control, which is why this quote is so you! You express your frustration over the uncontrollable forces that hinder you on the regular, so try this one out next time you stumble!
I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad.
I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad.
You’re totally this quote. You’re a very intelligent but sometimes pessimistic person, and to put it simply, stupidity bums you out. You’re a naturally introverted person and most likely tends to rely on yourself to get important work done rather than rely on the help of others. You value logic and rationale above all else and tend to get caught up in your intellectual pursuits rather than socializing. This is the kind of thing you’d say (or at least think) day to day!