Which Ed Sheeran Song Sums Up Your Love Life?
Which Ed Sheeran Song Sums Up Your Love Life?
Ever felt like an Ed Sheeran song was written about your life? Now it's time to check!
Ever felt like an Ed Sheeran song was written about your life? Now it's time to check!

Pick an Ed:
What's your ideal relationship?
What makes a relationship work?
How do you handle rejection?
How do you prefer to resolve arguments?
What's a dealbreaker for you?
Which Taylor Swift song title describes how you feel about love?
Where do you often go wrong in relationships?
"We're not, no we're not friends, nor have we ever been.
We just try to keep those secrets in a lie, and if they find out, will it all go wrong?"
So, it looks like you're falling for your friend. There are no sparks, just a recognition of the warm feeling melting inside of you. Will it blossom until something more? Only time will tell.
Wake Me Up
Wake Me Up
"And you will never know, just how beautiful you are to me, but maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up."
You just can't help but grin from ear to ear! You have found someone who completes every aspect of your life. Who fills in all of the cracks left in your heart from all of the old relationships and makes you feel whole again. Lucky you!
Share this with the person who fills you with all-encompassing happiness when you're with them <3
"Now I'll watch you fizzle at the bottom of a coke can."
You’ve been through some hard times, and you feel wounded by the experience. You’re not quite over things yet, but you’ve learned a lot about yourself from dealing with this, and will be much stronger and sure of yourself in the future.
Share your results with other strong and resilient people!
Lego House
Lego House
"I'm gonna paint you by numbers and colour you in, if things go wrong we can frame it and put you on a wall."
A relationship isn’t about being alone, it’s about connecting with someone and working together. You’re in a long term relationship and have experienced the good and the bad. You’re very optimistic, and will do whatever it takes to make this work.
Share this with the one you love <3
You Need Me, I Don’t Need You
You Need Me, I Don’t Need You
"I'm not you, now that would be disastrous, let me sing and do my thing and move to greener pastures."
You’re dealing with a breakup, and you might not be 100% over it but you know that they aren’t worth your time. If your life were a movie, you’ve reached the montage where you get your life together and remember that you rock. You’re fun, talented, strong and you’re never going to let anyone muck you around. Keep being you!
The Parting Glass
The Parting Glass
"I'll gently rise and softly call "good night and joy be with you all."
You are single and happy. You have an amazing sense of humor and can charm the socks off anyone you meet - people just love being around you! You’re open to the possibility of a relationship, but in the meantime you’re just having fun.
Share your result with friends who make your day!