Could You Be A Maze Runner?
Could You Be A Maze Runner?
With the new "Maze Runner" SCORCHING the box office, let's see if you have what it takes to blaze the mazes yourself!
With the new "Maze Runner" SCORCHING the box office, let's see if you have what it takes to blaze the mazes yourself!

Spirit animal that guides you while running?
How do you feel about tight spaces!
Which cartoon character speaks to you most?
Best pump-up song before running a maze?
People describe you as...
When not in mazes, where do you enjoy running?
What is your biggest fear?
Best meal before a maze run?
How do you feel about films based on Young Adult Adventure novels?
Which younger actress would be most helpful during the maze?
Magnificent job. You're even better than me.
Magnificent job. You're even better than me.
You would be the best maze runner around! Without a doubt, you are always the prime choice to be a leader whenever people embark on an important mission. You have a confident aura about you that also helps attract romantic targets. At the end of the day, your only weakness is having so many talents!
Oh no! You might almost be my equal!
Oh no! You might almost be my equal!
Well-done; you have enough maze smarts to give the lead character a run for his money. Whether it be speeding through a maze of traffic or traversing a casual corn maze with the family, you are an expert at knowing the way. Sometimes, you might be so confident in your navigational prowess that you may ignore others. Just keep letting the little guy talk every now and then, because he or she might be able to help!
You might be OK, but you also might get cornered!
You might be OK, but you also might get cornered!
Uh-oh, it looks like you might not have the skills it takes to play in the big leagues. No worries, you still have potential, and if you focus on objectives in your life that you've previously neglected, you will improve in no time. Just try to look for more ways you can help people move quickly in life, even if it be just by helping an old lady cross the street. No route to success is too small!
You're about as good at mazes as Jack Nicholson is in "The Shining."
You're about as good at mazes as Jack Nicholson is in "The Shining."
Ohhhh brother. It seems you need quite a bit of practice before you go into any mazes on your own. Even then, you might want to strive to be more of a "maze crawler" than a "runner." It's all about looking out for your own safety, and you are currently too oblivious to your surroundings. Just snap into focus, get determined, and your navigation skills will improve.