Could You Box Like Creed?
Could You Box Like Creed?
With the new movie "Creed" knocking out competition at the box office, find out how well you'd fare in the ring!
With the new movie "Creed" knocking out competition at the box office, find out how well you'd fare in the ring!

Ultimate power meal for morning training?
Who would you like to punch the most?
What do you think about relationships?
What are you most likely to get in trouble for?
People describe you as...
Who's the biggest hero?
Where would you celebrate a major victory?
Best vacation spot when you have time off?
Biggest fear?
Theme song when entering the ring?
You'd Own The Ring Like A King!
You'd Own The Ring Like A King!
You are the most feared fighter in the game, known for knocking out opponents in no time at all. While most people would assume you're aggressive all the time, you always have a well-crafted defense when in the ring. The only thing you have to worry about in life is getting too full of yourself, but if you're a kind person deep down, that's never going to happen. Keep being a rock star!
You'd Make Rocky Proud
You'd Make Rocky Proud
Nicely done. While you may not be the "Knock-Out King" of every fight, you carry yourself with great poise, and have an excellent work ethic. You're a good sport both in and out of the ring, and undoubtedly a fighter to emulate. Just make sure to mentor those around you as you continue training to be even more awesome.
You'd Almost Go the Distance,
You'd Almost Go the Distance,
Ahhhh! Close, but no cigar. It's possible you're spending too much effort playing the offensive (both in life and in the ring), and while it helps to be hungry for success, you have to keep up your defense game as well. Just commit to training even further -- and chugging those raw egg shakes -- and you'll be a worthy adversary in no time.
You'd Get KO'd Like Ronda Rousey Just Did!
You'd Get KO'd Like Ronda Rousey Just Did!
Ouch! You waltzed into the ring all ready to smash your opponent, and BAM, you're unconscious in the first round. While it's great to have self-esteem, you should know when to reign it in and reflect, because you don't want to fly into the sun like Icarus. You have the potential to be a stellar fighter -- just take a balanced approach to achieving success, and you'll get there!