How Bill Murray Are You?
How Bill Murray Are You?
The world would be a much better place if we were ALL 100% Bill Murray. So just how Bill Murray are you?
The world would be a much better place if we were ALL 100% Bill Murray. So just how Bill Murray are you?

Who is/are most important in life?
Biggest fear?
Which comedian gets you the most?
People describe you as...
Which actor is your kindred spirit?
Perspective on dating?
Ideal night out?
How would you describe your current job?
Drink of choice after an obnoxious day?
Coolest president?
You are 0% Bill Murray!
You are 0% Bill Murray!
You are so far away from resembling Bill Murray, you would make the legend himself cry in disbelief. You currently lack the I-don't-give-a-damn swagger he possesses, and it seems you care too much about what people think. Do some research by watching Bill Murray classics, and keep training until you start becoming more of a badass.
You are 40% Bill Murray!
You are 40% Bill Murray!
You have the shreds of someone more badass, as you might be as selfish as some of Bill Murray's protagonists. However, the actor also has nice guy qualities in most of his works, which you should try to emulate in order to resemble the full package. If the only Murray movie you've seen is "Rock the Kasbah," you have a lot of catching up to do, and you should check out stellar flicks like "Groundhog Day."
You are 75% Bill Murray!
You are 75% Bill Murray!
Well-done. While you're still rough-around-the-edges, you have the potential to be a lot like the comedic legend. You possess an intriguing, quirky aura and don't really give a damn how people feel about you. All you have to work on now is refining your personality a bit so you won't be alone forever, but let's be honest... you're entertaining enough on your own!
You are 99.9% Bill Murray!
You are 99.9% Bill Murray!
Very impressive. While no one can be 100% Bill Murray aside from the man himself, you possess his characters' heroic attributes along with the less likable ones. Overall, you aren't fazed by what people think about you, but you are motivated by your own desires to be more of a role model in life. Keep on being a badass, and you will continue to have hordes of followers.