Which "Matt Damon" Character Are You?
Which "Matt Damon" Character Are You?
Matt Damon has played quite the variety of characters throughout his prolific career, so see which one best reflects you!
Matt Damon has played quite the variety of characters throughout his prolific career, so see which one best reflects you!

Where do your strengths lie?
What is your personal favorite cocktail?
Favorite musician?
Do you exercise often?
What's the worst you've done?
Which TV series do you enjoy most (or which appeals to you most)?
Which would you go for out on a relaxed date?
If people had a criticism about you, what would it be?
If you acted in a movie, which co-star would you have the most chemistry with?
Which of these cars is (honestly) the most you?
Jason Bourne (Bourne Franchise)
Jason Bourne (Bourne Franchise)
You are an ultimate badass, not intimidated by anyone, and pursuing your goals without fear. You have a wide array of skills, and have more than likely fired a gun at some point in time. Due to some top-secret business, you may not have the best memory, but that hardly matters when you're a good improviser and blessed with strong physical prowess. Just make sure you don't come off as too cold to people, because then they won't want to be your ally!
Dr. Mann (Interstellar)
Dr. Mann (Interstellar)
You have built yourself a reputation as a leader, and have gained quite a solid amount of respect within your field. Of course, you are not without your flaws, and you may sometimes be thrown when people do not see eye-to-eye with you. It is important you use your keen wit for good, instead of for crushing opponents. Just remember that everyone can bring something good to the table, so keep supporting those with potential.
Will Hunting (Good Will Hunting)
Will Hunting (Good Will Hunting)
People may underestimate you, but little do they know, you are a ponderous genius. You care less about showcasing your talent than you do about protecting your own. You would take a punch for your friends, and throw a few as well. Since your aggression may sometimes cause more problems than it solves, you have to be sure you do not always give in to your immediate instincts, as doing so can land you in trouble.
Scott Thorson (Behind the Candelabra)
Scott Thorson (Behind the Candelabra)
You are a very passionate person. Sometimes, you care so much that you may lash out at those who are close to you, so be wary that your intense energy does not get misconstrued. Sometimes, your temper may be caused by substances, but hey -- no one's judging. Actually, some people do judge, but what is ultimately most important is your own happiness, so always strive towards making yourself content.