Which "Steve Jobs" Character Are You?
Which "Steve Jobs" Character Are You?
See if you are the genius himself, or one of his other crafty associates!
See if you are the genius himself, or one of his other crafty associates!

What would be your role in contributing to a project?
What is your relationship status?
If you had one flaw, what would it be?
Which animal best reflects your business side?
Favorite Apple product?
Favorite Aaron Sorkin project?
People describe you as...
Favorite historical figure who motivates you in life overall?
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
You are the man (or woman) and the legend who introduced the world to something extraordinary (or you will in time). While critics may say you are more of a "presenter" of ideas than a pioneer, what truly matters is how much you have stuck to your convictions over time. You may occasionally be a bit cold to your family and friends, so please try to remember the people who shaped you into who you are. No matter how many failures you endure, you are determined to forge ahead and prove wrong all those who have doubted you.
Joanna Hoffman
Joanna Hoffman
You are sharp as a tack, and when you have ideas about how something should be handled, you are never shy about sharing them. While you occasionally play it risky by talking back to your superior, you only do so out of sheer compassion and the urge to do what is best for him or her. No matter how much red tape is thrown in your way, you will persevere to make sure your voice is heard.
Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak
You are the bold voice of a faction that has worked tirelessly, yet unfortunately been overlooked. While you are mild-mannered for the most part, nothing grinds your gears more than someone who used to be your good friend turning his back on his fellow comrades. While your business skills may not be as great as those of your rivals, you have the heart of a lion, and will continue to fight for your beliefs no matter what.
John Sculley
John Sculley
You have deeply rooted ideas about how a business should be run... and there's nothing you hate more than someone trying to challenge you. While you are intelligent and partly justified in your actions, you have to be more willing to take risks in life. By exploring new frontiers that have not yet been delved into, you'll have the opportunity to reinvent the world.