A Brief History Of The Red Cup: Notes For Donald Trump

We did the research for you, Mr. Trump, because someone had to.

Logan Gray
Created by Logan Gray
On Nov 11, 2015

Hi Donald Trump. Hello. This is last years Starbucks Red Cup:

I know I know, I too am outraged at the lack of Christmas in this cup. Where is Jesus? Where is Santa? Why does this appear to be Union Jack themed? (Oh wait, that's meant to be a Christmas tree?)


This is the 2013 Holiday Cup....wait wait, no Jesus on this one either?

I can't believe it. Clearly this is some kind of anti Christmas madness.


Is that....a SNOWMAN?

There were snowmen in the bible right? Three wise snowmen? Somewhere in the old testament? This Starbucks snowman from 2012 is dapper as f**k. Snowman on fleek.


2011 is clearly the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost of Peppermint Mocha/Christmas Cookie Latte/Eggnog Latte

Although I'm not sure the three wise men could skate? Or had dogs?


Cup 2009 is arguably quite explicitly Christmassy

But still, no Jesus, just trees...


Look at these cups together. You know what their theme actually is? WINTER

Just because this year's cup is RED means NOTHING, and it is DEPRESSING that you can score political points over RED CUPS.


So if you want to boycott WINTER, go ahead.

DO it.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021