Milo Yiannopoulos Loses His Book Deal Amid Claims He Defended Pedophiles; Do YOU Think This Is Unfair?
Milo Yiannopoulos Loses His Book Deal Amid Claims He Defended Pedophiles; Do YOU Think This Is Unfair?
Yiannopoulos is famous for ruffling feathers, but this time it seems he's ruffled the wrong ones. Did he defend pedophiles? And if so, does he deserve worse than just losing his book deal?
Yiannopoulos is famous for ruffling feathers, but this time it seems he's ruffled the wrong ones. Did he defend pedophiles? And if so, does he deserve worse than just losing his book deal?
Created by Logan Gray
On Feb 21, 2017
Milo Yiannopoulos has not had a great 48 hours
Milo addresses a crowd
The Breitbart technology editor who got himself banned from Twitter for attacking Leslie Jones last summer has said that he's gotten through worse.
Has the fall out been fair? Should Milo face possible charges for defending pedophiles?
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Does Milo Yiannopoulos deserve what's happened to him?
Does Milo Yiannopoulos deserve what's happened to him?
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