Never Get Out Of Bed Again: With These Duvet Suits You Can Sleep Comfortably Anywhere, Anytime!

We're going to need several of these. They're glorious!

Logan Gray
Created by Logan Gray
On Mar 28, 2016

This is the Suvet. It's a suit, made out of duvet. Because we are sleep deprived people, in need of some serious TLC.

The tube will never ever be the same.


Headed to work? Still feeling comfy and cozy; And actually pretty fresh.

I am a little concerned about staining though.


I mean, can you imagine wearing the Suvet on an airplane? No one would ever need first class again, because YOU WOULD BE FIRST CLASS.

You'd look like a snazzier Michelin man.


It was made by science, to optimize your comfort and snuggle possibilities.

I feel like people would definitely cuddle you in public, so you may have to make your peace with that.


You can watch The Suvet in action below! Check out more at

youtube embed goes here!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021