These Two Foxes Escaped Terrible Circumstances To Become Best Fox Friends!

No seriously, this actually happened.

Logan Gray
Created by Logan Gray
On Mar 31, 2016

This is Jade. Up until recently, he had never met another Fox in his whole life. He had been kept illegally as a pet for three years until he was surrendered at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. The AWCC did their best to enrich his life as much as possible, but without another Fox, there was only so much they could do.

Such a handsome Fox!


And then, Storm came along. She was rescued from an illegal breeder in Montana. Her fur color doesn't occur in the wild and is the result of human interference, Storm was likely to be kept as an illegal pet or would have been sold for her fur. Luckily, she escaped both tragedies.


Now, Storm and Jade are best pals. Neither have ever had other Foxes to play with, until now. It's a Foxmance.



Foxes maintain a number of relationships in the wild, they're fairly social creatures, so this relationship is important for both of them. It's also important for us, because Foxes are adorable, and Fox best friends are SUPER adorable.


You can watch the two of them get to know each other below!

youtube embed goes here!


And keep up with these two best buddies here!

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