Watch This Puppy Feel Pure Joy At Being Adopted And Feel Better About Literally Everything

You may or may not weep, also.

Logan Gray
Created by Logan Gray
On Jun 8, 2016

Mojo was three months old, but he only had hours to live.

He had been rescued with a severe case of mange.


Mojo needed intense amounts of care, that prevented him from being adopted by a regular family.

This made the little guy pretty bummed.


But then Mojo's original rescuer, Joey Wagner, decided he wanted to take his little buddy home forever.

Just a friendly punch in the eye.


And Mojo could not be happier. Literally, if he was he would explode.

He's got a little t-shirt on and everything!


Two years have passed since that fateful day, and Mojo has turned "hours to live" into days, into weeks and months. He's going strong!

And kicking that Mange's ass!


Mojo's fur will never be what it should have been, but that's okay because he looks pretty darn cute in sweaters!

Mojo looks so dapper!


Well done, Mojo! And Joey! Snazzy tie choices!

Check out more of these two here!

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