What Jedi Master Are You?
What Jedi Master Are You?
It's time to find out what Jedi Master you are!
It's time to find out what Jedi Master you are!
On a scale of 1-8 (1 being not at all, 8 being absolutely important) how valuable are the lives of your clone troopers to you?
What color lightsaber would you prefer?
Do you call clones by their numbers?
How do you feel about Chancellor Palpatine?
Who do you like more?
Where would you prefer to live?
Do you prefer....
What is your favorite color?
How do you wish to die?
On a scale of 1-7, 1 being not at all, and 7 being completely, how corrupt is the Jedi Order?
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
The hot-headed boy from Tatooine, you will eventually become the dark lord of the Sith and apprentice to the Emperor, Palpatine. Obi-Wan Kenobi was your former master and you wield a blue lightsaber. Your fall from glory was all due to your compassion for your secret wife, Padme. You had an apprentice during the clone wars, Ahsoka Tano, who left the Jedi Order after wrongly being expelled for a crime she did not commit and later was pardoned for. You caused the death of so many jedi including Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jocasta Nu, and countless younglings.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Male human from Stewjon. You wield a blue lightsaber and you were trained by both Master Qui gon Jinn and Yoda himself. You were one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66, escaping to the far reaches of Tatooine, only to meet your fate many years later at the hands of your former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker.
Pong Krell
Pong Krell
The Militaristic mind of Jedi General Pong Krell knows no limitations when it comes to combat and the sacrifice of soldiers to ascertain the success of the mission. you are willing to put everything you have on the line in order to ensure that you get the job done. You went too far however, when during the battle of Umbara you pitted Captain Rex and his men against Commander Cody and his men, causing the two clone groups to slaughter each other to the horror of the survivors. You met your death by the execution of your former right hand clone "Dogma". This Ojom native sided had gone rogue sometime before the battle of Umbara and ended up trying to convert to the Seperatist side. A bad move on your part.
The small green mysterious figure, Yoda. We do not know where you come from, what species you are, and we don't even know if there are more of you left out there. One of the wisest the Jedi Order has ever seen, you became a Jedi Master at the young age of 100 and for the next 8 centuries you would instruct countless Jedi, your final padawan being the Tatooine farm boy and son of Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker. You also survived Order 66, living to be over 900 years old and dying in your small hut in the swamps of Dagobah, sometime just before the battle of Endor.
Mace Windu
Mace Windu
You are truly an exceptional light saber duelist, being the only Jedi apart from Yoda to give the Emperor a challenge. You nearly killed him, when Anakin Skywalker, was corrupted by his compassion for his Wife, Padme. He turned against you, siding with the Emperor, and sliced off your hand. In pain, you staggered closer to the open window where the emperor shocked you with Force Lightning and you fell 20 stories down to your death. You wielded a purple lightsaber, and were the second eldest member on the Jedi council at your time of life.
Jocasta Nu
Jocasta Nu
The brave Librarian, Jocasta Nu knew everything. You assisted Jedi of all ranking to find information in the Jedi Temples Library Database. You once famously claimed "If it is not in our database, it simply does not exist." You were struck down at the hands of Anakin Skywalker during his raid on the Jedi Temple as part of Contingency Order 66
Plo Koon
Plo Koon
Plo Koon is a very honorable and wise Jedi. You held a deep, well deserved fondness for the young Togruta apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. even giving her the nickname "Soka". She respected you as almost a second master to her, her official Jedi Master being Anakin Skywalker. You taught us that a direct order isn't always the right thing to do and to trust your instinct and do what you know is right. Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Plo Koon helped secure a republic victory at Cato Nimoidia. After the battle, he was flying on a patrol flight when Order 66 was executred. You were shot down by your own clone pilot escorts perishing as your fighter exploded and crashed.
Ki'adi Mundi
Ki'adi Mundi
This tall headed Jedi was very wise and noble. With a second heart in the upper half of your head, you bravely lead charge on the battle field, while still holding a position of the Jedi Council. Sadly, you too were cut down In the Execution of Contingency Order 66. Ki'Adi Mundi was leading the Galactic Marines in a charge across a bridge on Mygeeto when Palpatine enacted Order 66, and Clone Commander Bacara ordered the other marines to open fire.[16] Realizing too late he had been betrayed by his clone troopers, Mundi raised his lightsaber and deflected a handful of the shots, sending them hurling back toward the clones. However, one of the blasts struck Mundi in the stomach, which rendered him incapable of defending himself from a subsequent barrage of shots. Dropping his lightsaber, Mundi was riddled with blaster fire and fell to the ground, dead.