Could You Pass Charms 101?
Could You Pass Charms 101?
Do you remember what "reparo" does?
Do you remember what "reparo" does?

Created by Lois
On Mar 29, 2017
Let's go back to basics.
Let's go back to basics.
You need to take this class over. Your charms knowledge could use some freshening up or else you might find yourself on the losing end of a duel. . .
Pretty good.
Pretty good.
Well done. You're no Hermione Granger, but you can handle your own. You paid attention when it mattered and that's all that counts.
Very impressive!
Very impressive!
Awesome, you passed Charms 101, and are well on your way to achieving your O.W.L in charms! You know every spell and how to use them properly and intuitively. You can think on your feet and great with your wand.
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